
Exposition concept proposition for the Latvian Railway History Museum in Jelgava

Exposition concept proposition for the Latvian Railway History Museum in Jelgava: “How the Railwaymen Lived, Worked and Loved.” The core of the concept is to convey the feeling of a life of a railwayman in Jelgava from the 1960s till the end of the century. The proposition unfolds the ways these men lived, worked, loved, rolling through the joys and worries of everyday life. The railway department at this period was like a miniature sovereign state of its own, with its inhabitants following the written and unwritten laws as the work and life blended into one.

Raugs proposition included an exhibition proposal for one room: memory stories of real people whose lives were closely connected to this community. These stories would come to life using interactive scenographic models. The overall structure of this exhibition is built based on emotional experience as they are meaningfully complemented with various physical design solutions: lighting, tactile experience, audio, video, motion sensors, interactive conversations, and others.

In visual communication, Raugs proposition was to use an identity pattern – a hand-drawn forest world of symbols that has three stories or levels – tree roots, tree branches, and life around the tree. The possibilities of framing these stories in a collage are endless, e.g. close-ups, overviews, denser layout, or more thematically relevant symbols.

The offer also includes a social network communication system.