“Pavasars” is a company specialising in the production of high-quality modular wooden houses, with more than 20 years of experience and a customer base far beyond Latvia’s borders. The main objective of the visual identity is to ensure successful communication of the company’s expansion and differentiation of specialisations. Creating a story of the gathered experience over the years, as a basis for everything that has been created and everything that is to come, always remembering that the outside and the inside, the visible and the invisible, knowledge and realisation – these sides are equally important. Collectively, everything is transformed into something new, innovative and surprising, creating a united powerful system.
The main principle of the system is based on the company’s characteristic modular house, with complementary abstract patterns as an association of certain division. The identity communicates in a clean, concise and understandable language, with a fresh and appealing tone, matching the product created and contributing to the visibility of the company in the market.